Polytech Adult Education

Polytech Adult Education in Atlanta

Polytech Adult Education in Atlanta offers professional software engineering courses to help students build the skills needed to excel in their careers.

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Polytech Adult Education


Learning to become a software engineer is a great way to advance your career while providing an excellent opportunity for a more rewarding life. Polytech Adult Education offers a variety of courses and programs designed to provide adult learners with the knowledge and skills necessary to become successful software engineers.

The curriculum for software engineering programs at Polytech Adult Education covers a wide range of topics, from basic programming principles to application development, artificial intelligence, database systems, internet technologies and software project management. Depending on the track chosen, students may also cover topics such as system architecture, object-oriented programming, software testing and web development.

Polytech Adult Education features experienced instructors with either technical or industry experience and the courses are designed to be hands-on, allowing students to gain practical experience in the classroom with real-world projects. Instructors use a combination of lecture and lab work to ensure that students develop a deep understanding of the topics covered in the program.

In addition to the standard core classes, Polytech Adult Education offers advanced electives that allow students to explore further topics such as game development and robotics. With these electives, students gain the skills and knowledge necessary to move into specialized areas and develop their own projects.

At the end of the program, students take a comprehensive assessment test to measure their understanding of the concepts and skills acquired during their studies. Successful completion of the program can qualify students for a range of software engineering positions. The alumni network of the program makes it easier for students to transition into the field of software engineering.

With its varied programs and curriculum, Polytech Adult Education provides adult learners with a way to gain the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful career as a software engineer. The instructors and alumni network offer support and guidance to help students transition into the field.